Category: News
Sacred English Launches Anew!
If you missed the fall semester run of my first online class, Sacred English, your new opportunity is here! Say hello to the Winter/Spring semester of the course—registration recently opened, and continues through February 2. The course will super-charge your learning of the American Futharch and how to write with it. Take giant leaps toward… Read more
The First Online Course of the American Futharch!
I’ve finally entered the world of independent online teaching with my first course on Runes and Poetry! This course is my big epiphany in its most significant manifestation so far! Over three years ago, I had the lightning-strike idea that the rune names and futhark order for the Elder Futhark runes preceded the existence of… Read more
Presentation at East Coast Thing 2024
In just a few weeks, the American Futharch will come to a public heathen event for the first time. That will be the annual East Coast Thing, which is one of the longest-running heathen events in the country. I’ll be presenting a one-hour workshop on the American Futharch there, at some point during the four… Read more
Introducing the AERP
A proper futhark simply must have a rune poem. The Anglo-Saxon Futhorc has its Old English Rune Poem (OERP), and the Younger Futhark has the Old Icelandic Rune Poem (OIRP) and the Old Norwegian Rune Poem (ONRP). Undoubtedly, the Elder Futhark had its original ur-poem in Proto-Germanic, but it is long lost, although a few… Read more