Sacred English

Emulate a god, and Win the runes!

Sacred English:
American Runes and Alliterative Poetry

The first online course featuring the American Futharch!
Turbo-charge your Rune-Writing through its nine sessions and “brew” your first draughts of traditional alliterative poetry!

Would you like to write the runes just like your ancestors did?

It’s now possible once again, for the first time in many centuries. Enjoy the full & direct link between sounds and staves that they did!

Do you yearn for the power of sacred speech?

Think it’s only available in foreign languages like Sanskrit, Hebrew, or Old Norse? Think again!

Would you like the sheer joy of unlocking the hidden powers of your speech?

It’s easier than you think, and it comes simply by truly understanding its sounds. We work so hard to gain partial mastery and understanding over the sounds of a foreign language, yet we neglect the much shorter distance to cover for genuine understanding of the sounds of our native language!

Are you a poetic soul that yearns for truly traditional poetry?

The Runes of the American Futharch are the keys to a genuine modern revival of a poetry that has 2500-year-old roots.

Do you seek to develop the gifts the gods gave you?

As recounted in Völuspá 18, the gods gave us Önd (spirit, breath) and Óðr (inspiration). The runes and poetry in this course will strengthen and make good use of both of those gifts!

Are you ready to answer the call of Odin?

In Hávamál 144, Odin challenges us to know how to read and write the runes—you can now answer this call in the same way that the first rune masters did!

Then this course is for you! Our high god, Odin, won the runes and poetry through nine nights on the world tree. Through the nine sessions of this course, you, too, can win the runes and poetry—the two supreme tools for making English sacred again.

The Teachings You’ll Receive in Sacred English Include:


The knowledge, exercises, and feedback that will enable to you master the mysteries of your own speech sounds and bring them to full conscious awareness.


The ins and outs of writing American English with the American Futharch Runes—a complete guide using the 33 runes to write any English word.


Tips & tricks covering a myriad of common rune writing situations—articles, prefixes, suffixes, grammatical endings, and more—to make your writing go faster.


The guidelines for writing legit, alliterative poetry, based on ancient Germanic principles that are roughly 2500 years old—which will strengthen your knowledge of rune-writing as well!


Mythological and historical connections between runes and alliterative poetry.


A runic ritual of self-initiation to mark the completion of the nine sessions of the course.


Most importantly: practical know-how. This isn’t merely a course for learning cool things—it’s a course for doing cool things, namely writing runes & poetry.

Begin Your Quest for Runes and Poetry!

See you in the spring! 🙂

Enrollment is Closed for the Semester!

What is the structure of the course?

The first eight sessions are in four pairs. Each pair is a teaching session with pre-recorded audio & video (along with various electronic handouts), followed by a Q&A/review session where the instructor answers any and all relevant questions submitted by the students. That makes for a total of four teaching sessions and four Q&A sessions. The ninth and final session is a special teaching session featuring special self-initiation rites to conclude the course.

What are the general topics of the four regular teaching sessions?

  1. The Runes of the American Futharch and Writing with Them.
  2. Stress, Parts of Speech, Alliteration, Half-Lines and the Runic Connection.
  3. Alliterative Long Lines and Their Runic Keys.
  4. Stanzas, Poems, Advanced Alliteration with Multiple Runes.

The Runes of the American Futharch are emphasized throughout all of this, and in all the exercises. Plus, each session will touch on a short mythological or historical topic.

Do students get instructor feedback?

Yes! Each teaching session comes with a set of exercises in writing & reading runes and poetry for the students, for which Eirik will provide individual feedback.

This is a rare opportunity in online courses! Join the course for this run and take advantage of all this feedback, before Eirik comes to his senses about this massive investment of his time. After all, he has no teaching assistants to review the homework for him! 😜

How do the Q&A sessions work?

After each teaching session, students get about one week for doing the exercises and to submit any questions they have. Then, approximately one week after that, Eirik sends the Q&A session recording, in which he answers all the relevant questions and discusses the exercises. Then one week after that, Eirik sends the next teaching session.

How long does the course run?

The plan is for the first teaching session to be released to students on September 25. The final special session would be released on December 18. This will give students plenty of time to go over all the materials, do the exercises, and send in questions. We know you have busy lives, and this course is designed for that.

Will the recordings be made available after the course?

Eventually, recordings of the course sessions (though not necessarily from this run) would be available for purchase at any time, allowing students to go through the material at their own pace. Keep in mind, however, that such “non-live” versions are not likely to include the extensive opportunities for Q&A and individual feedback that the live course has. That said, Eirik anticipates running this course live at least once more.

Tell me something about the course materials.

Many of the materials are exclusive to the course and available nowhere else, not even on my patreon page. These include two substantial files on the runes that total over 70 pages. They feature the basic lore of the 33 staves and comprehensive materials on writing with them, illustrated with copious examples.

But I’m not sure if I can write poetry!

To those who think you can’t do it: When I got my start, I was not, in any way, the sort of person anyone (least of all me) would ever expect to be a poet. I’m not even an “auditory learner,” like you might expect for this sort of poetry and rune work—I’m the sort of person who needs directions repeated a couple times!

There’s lots of places you can go with this, ranging from short pieces of poetry in runes for your religious or magical works, ultimately to full-scale magical initiatory development. I’m here to help you with these first steps in rune writing and poetry. How far you take this journey is up to you.

This is all going somewhere, isn’t it?

Yes. This isn’t the end. It’s not even the end of the beginning. Future courses will likely include two main tracks. One track will explore advanced alliterative poetry (e.g. other poetic meters) and poetic magical techniques (like charms and even kraftaskald-style verse). The other track will expand upon the American Futharch Runes for things like rune magic, divination, and esotericism.

This course in American Runes and Poetry will be the foundation that all the others build upon, because the living language link is the heart of it all. The revolution will be runicized, and it starts here!

Wondering about something in particular?

Got more questions about all this? Reach out to Eirik!